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Lars Christian Bacher

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Lars Christian Bacher

Chief Excecutive Officer
Mona Hauglid
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Mona Hauglid
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Naja Boone

Naja Boone

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Morrow Batteries ASA inngår IPCEI-partnerskap – sikrer finansiering av neste generasjons batteriteknologi

Morrow Batteries ASA inngår IPCEI-partnerskap – sikrer finansiering av neste generasjons batteriteknologi

Morrow Batteries ASA (Morrow) er tildelt 345 millioner kroner fra Innovasjon Norge under IPCEI European business-programmet for utvikling av en helt ny type batteriteknologi, med mindre bruk av litium og nikkel enn dagens batterier, kombinert med manganoksid (LNMO).
Det norske batteriselskapet opplyser samtidig at det har kvalifisert seg som assosiert partner i IPCEI European Battery Innovatio

Morrow Batteries ASA announces IPCEI partnership, secures funding to advance next-generation battery technology

Morrow Batteries ASA announces IPCEI partnership, secures funding to advance next-generation battery technology

The Norwegian battery company has been awarded 345 million NOK from Innovation Norway under the IPCEI European business program. The funding will support the R&D development of a new battery technology that utilises less lithium and nickel than current batteries combined with manganese oxide (LNMO).
Morrow Batteries ASA (Morrow) has also qualified as an associated partner in the IPCEI Europ

Morrow Batteries aim to realise the first prismatic LNMO battery cell in the world early 2024

Morrow Batteries aim to realise the first prismatic LNMO battery cell in the world early 2024

Morrow Batteries (“Morrow”) is proud to announce that it expects to produce the first next-generation LNMO-X batteries at its Customer Qualification Line during Q1 2024. The cell is a world-first with the configuration of this material.
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From left: Lars Christian Bacher of Morrow, Bent Thomasen of Rehnus Norway and Rune Hvass, Harbour Master at the Port of Arendal

Morrow Batteries to start operations through Eydehavn port

Morrow Batteries ASA (Morrow) has signed a logistics services agreement with Rhenus Norway AS for delivery of production equipment for its battery cell factory, marking the starting point for Morrow’s operations through the Eydehavn Port of Arendal.

“We are teaming up with an innovative and flexible agent. Rhenus Norway has developed a solution combining sea freight, integrated European lo

LFP battery cells from the Morrow Cell Factory in Arendal, Norway.

Morrow and Proventia have signed a Letter of Intent to develop European LFP batteries for non-road applications

Morrow Batteries (Morrow) has signed a Letter of Intent for collaboration with Finnish tech company Proventia, a leading developer and supplier of clean technologies for prominent global engine and machine manufacturers. The Letter of Intent addresses the development of battery packs with Morrow’s LFP cells (lithium iron phosphate) for heavy-duty machinery.
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Christin-Marie Boudgoust joins Morrow as Chief Commercial Officer

Morrow Batteries announces key leadership appointments to drive innovation and growth

Christin-Marie Boudgoust joins Morrow as Chief Commercial Officer Jon Fold von Bülow assumes the Chief Science Officer role

Morrow Batteries is pleased to welcome Christin-Marie Boudgoust as the Chief Commercial Officer (CCO). With extensive experience in international business development and technical sales within the battery industry, Christin-Marie will play a pivotal role in e

In addition to the standardised UL9540 A and UN38.3, the LFP B-samples made by Morrow have passed IEC 62660-2, IEC 62619 and recently, the more stringent IEC 62660-3 compliance test.

Morrow Batteries sends certified LFP B-sample batteries to customers, taking yet another step towards GWh scale production

Morrow Batteries ASA («Morrow»), the industrial battery technology company, has produced and certified LFP B-sample batteries that are now ready for shipment to potential customers for further validation.
“We are pleased to reach this significant operational and technological milestone. Completing multiple international acceptance tests with strong results brings us to th

Morrow og Proventia har signert en intensjonsavtale for å utvikle europeiske LFP-batteripakker for tungt maskineri

Morrow og Proventia har signert en intensjonsavtale for å utvikle europeiske LFP-batteripakker for tungt maskineri

Morrow Batteries (Morrow) har inngått en intensjonsavtale om samarbeid med det finske teknologiselskapet Proventia, en ledende utvikler og leverandør av rene teknologier for fremtredende globale motor- og maskinprodusenter. Intensjonsavtalen omhandler utvikling av batteripakker med Morrows LFP-celler (litiumjernfosfat) for tungt maskineri.

Morrow har åpnet sin første gigafabrikk i Arend

I tillegg til standardiserte UL9540 A og UN38.3, har LFP B-prøvene produsert av Morrow bestått IEC 62660-2, IEC 62619 og nylig den strengere IEC 62660-3-samsvarstesten. Lær mer om IEC-standarder.

Morrow Batteries sender sertifiserte LFP batterier til kunder, og tar enda et viktig skritt mot fullskala produksjon i 2024

Morrow Batteries ASA («Morrow»), et industrielt batteriteknologiselskap, har produsert og sertifisert LFP battericeller som nå sendes til potensielle kunder for videre validering.
"Dette er en betydelig operasjonell og teknologisk milepæl for Morrow Batteries. Våre LFP B-prøver viser utmerkede kvalitets- og sikkerhetsegenskaper. Å fullføre flere, internasjonale kvali

Fra venstre: Lars Christian Bacher fra Morrow, Bent Thomasen fra Rhenus og Rune Hvass fra Arendal Havn

Morrow Batteries tar i bruk Arendal Havn med ny transport- og logistikkavtale

Morrow Batteries ASA (Morrow) har inngått en transport- og logistikkavtale med Rhenus Norway AS for levering av produksjonsutstyr til sin batterifabrikk. Dermed er batterivirksomheten i Arendal Havn offisielt i gang.
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Morrow Batteries lanserer Eyde House - en topp moderne boligrigg for Sør-Koreanske installatører

Eyde House er navnet på boligriggen som fra desember skal huse mer enn 200 installatører fra Sør-Korea. I løpet av høsten kommer det rundt 500 containere med produksjonsutstyr til Arendal Havn. Dette tilsvarer mellom 700 og 800 lastebillass, som skal fraktes til byggeplassen for montering.
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Morrow Batteries, Nordic Batteries and Eldrift join forces to build Norwegian battery supply-chain

Morrow Batteries, Nordic Batteries and Eldrift join forces to build Norwegian battery supply-chain

Morrow Batteries of Arendal, Norway, announces it is entering into a strategic partnership with Nordic Batteries and Eldrift to develop complete battery packs for mobile and stationary battery energy storage solutions (BESS). The overall project and product pipeline amounts to 7 GWh until 2030.
The three Norwegian companies will comprise a large part of the battery systems supply chain. Morro

Morrow Batteries, Nordic Batteries og Eldrift går sammen om å bygge norsk batteriforsyningskjede

Morrow Batteries, Nordic Batteries og Eldrift går sammen om å bygge norsk batteriforsyningskjede

Morrow Batteries i Arendal inngår strategisk partnerskap med Nordic Batteries og Eldrift for å utvikle komplette batteripakker for mobile og stasjonære batterienergilagringsløsninger (BESS). Omfanget er på syv GWh frem til 2030.
De tre norske selskapene samler med dette en stor del av forsyningskjeden for batterisystemer. Morrow vil levere prismatiske celler med eksisterende LFP-teknologi og ne

The Morrow CQL in Chungju-si, Korea

Morrow Batteries achieves yield of 86 per cent from Customer Qualification Line in Korea in four months

Morrow Batteries ASA (Morrow) is announcing it has achieved stable production of battery cells at its Customer Qualification Line (CQL) in South Korea with a yield of 86 per cent. According to industry standards, the average yield is at 70% yield in the beginning, then moves up to 88-92% in the first two years of production. "Achieving 86% in four months suggests high efficiency and effectiveness

Speeding up the energy transition with cost-effective and sustainable batteries.

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Morrow Batteries