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Our official program for Arendalsuka 2022

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Our official program for Arendalsuka 2022

We are pleased to once again welcome friends and partners to Arendal this August. The battery industry in general, and Morrow Batteries specifically, has covered lot of ground in the past 12 months. We look forward to sharing the latest updates from our journey so far at these two events open to all:

Event delivered in Norwegian:

Batterienes verdikjede – et lokalt og nasjonalt lagspill

Tid: tirsdag 16.8, faglig program kl 18.00 – 19.00, etterfulgt av matservering og mingling

Sted: Pusnes gård, Tromøya

Vi har gjort det før, og vi kan gjøre det igjen. Industribygging i 2022 både ser og oppfører seg annerledes enn på 70-tallet da vi utviklet oljenæringen. Men tillitsbaserte samarbeidsmodeller og langsiktige investeringer i kompetanse, samhandling og infrastruktur er fortsatt sentrale fellesnevnere som gir den norske batteriindustrien fortrinn. En verdikjede bygges ikke av seg selv, men er et resultat av lagsport med flere koordinerte stjernespillere. 

Morrow Batteries med partnere inviterer til en diskusjon om verdikjeden som må på plass for å lykkes på "the battery coast".


· Håkon Tanem, administrerende direktør i Morrow, og Liv Monica Stubholt, styreleder i Morrow ønsker velkommen

· «Den gode hverdagen – avgjørende for langsiktig industribygging», innlegg fra Robert Cornels Nordli, ordfører i Arendal kommune

· «Norge som en ledende batterinasjon – hva skal til?», samtale ledet av Stina Torjesen, Sustainability advisor i Morrow og førsteamanuensis på Handelshøyskolen ved UiA med en rekke næringsprofiler*

· «Norges batterisatsning – et viktig kapittel i historiebøkene?», innlegg av Frederic Hauge, stifter av Bellona

· «Hvorfor batteri?», strategiske snapshots på fra Agder Energi, NOAH, ABB, Siemens og Arctic Securities*

*Deltakere blir annonsert i august

Eventet arrangeres i samarbeid med Agder Energi, NOAH, ABB, Siemens, IFE, Siva, Arctic Securities, Bellona, Arendal Kommune – Næringsavdelingen og Nysnø Klimainvesteringer

Praktisk informasjon:

· Det faglige programmet holdes i et værsikkert telt med 150 plasser, kom tidlig for å sikre deg en stol. Mingling og matservering etterpå avholdes på området innen og utenfor teltet.

· Det vil gå ferge fra Pollen som kjører publikum direkte til bryggen.

Event delivered in English:

Better Batteries: The race for new and sustainable battery chemistries  Time: Wednesday 17.8 at 12.00-13.00

Place: “Bærekraftscenen” at Arendal Cinema

What is a better battery? The answer has many facets - at least two of them being technical and ethical. We know that batteries will play a lead role in the future energy mix and that there must be a better way to deliver sustainable batteries on a large scale. 

Morrow Batteries is on a mission to make the most sustainable and cost-effective batteries in the world. To get there we not only need to produce the battery chemistries of today, but we also need to think about the next-generation batteries of tomorrow. We won't win this race alone, so we have joined forces with some of the brightest minds in Norway, and beyond, to make headway. Every day is a new starting line.

Please join Morrow Batteries with partners for this engaging session to get behind the scenes and go deeper with the insights we have gained and the challenges we face individually and collectively in the battery ecosystem.


· “What’s a better battery?”, with Rahul Fotedar, Co-Founder and CTO at Morrow

· Our research partners* IFE and UiA takes center stage together with Jon Fold von Bülow, Head of Research at Morrow to offer a bird's-eye view on the technology race in the industry.

· “Getting to work – two case studies”, Morrow owners and partners ABB and Siemens demonstrate the real value of better batteries*

· “Achieving deep decarbonization fast: The role of batteries”, reflections by The Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment Espen Barth Eide

· “The way ahead”, final words by Rahul Fotedar and Jon Fold von Bülow from Morrow

*Final speakers to be announced

The event is organized in collaboration with IFE, UiA, ABB, Siemens, Agder Energi, NOAH and Arctic Securities

Practical information: No RSVP is required, the venue offers 300 seats on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Other events in our calendar

In addition to our own events, you’ll find us on several stages throughout the week. Here are just some of the items in our calendar:


Morrow Batteries AS (“Morrow”) is on a mission to develop and deliver better batteries to the world at a lower cost to people and the environment. To decarbonize the transportation and energy sector, the industry needs low-cost and sustainable batteries. In face of the green energy transition, the Morrow strategy is twofold; delivering current technology products and developing next-generation batteries. These new batteries will feature the breakthrough cathode material (LNMO) - eliminating the need for cobalt and reducing the use of nickel and lithium, while maximizing the utilization of readily available and clean manganese. The industrial scale-up was founded in 2020. Headquartered in Arendal, Norway, it now counts 100+ battery specialists across four offices internationally. Learn more at and @MorrowBatteries on LinkedIn.


Naja Boone

Naja Boone

Press contact EVP Communications
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Speeding up the energy transition with cost-effective and sustainable batteries.

Follow our journey at and @MorrowBatteries on LinkedIn.

Morrow Batteries