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Illustration photo from Morrow's Customer Qualification Line (CQL) in South Korea.

30% increased cycle life for Morrow-made LFP batteries

Morrow Batteries ASA (Morrow) reports significantly improved product performance on its Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) batteries.
Morrow's engineering and research team have successfully increased the cycle life of the company's first product by 30%. Simultaneously, the energy density has increased by 10%.
“At Morrow, we believe in continuous learning and improvement. Our team has already pro

Morrow Batteries ASA announces IPCEI partnership, secures funding to advance next-generation battery technology

Morrow Batteries ASA announces IPCEI partnership, secures funding to advance next-generation battery technology

The Norwegian battery company has been awarded 345 million NOK from Innovation Norway under the IPCEI European business program. The funding will support the R&D development of a new battery technology that utilises less lithium and nickel than current batteries combined with manganese oxide (LNMO).
Morrow Batteries ASA (Morrow) has also qualified as an associated partner in the IPCEI Europ

Morrow Batteries ASA inngår IPCEI-partnerskap – sikrer finansiering av neste generasjons batteriteknologi

Morrow Batteries ASA inngår IPCEI-partnerskap – sikrer finansiering av neste generasjons batteriteknologi

Morrow Batteries ASA (Morrow) er tildelt 345 millioner kroner fra Innovasjon Norge under IPCEI European business-programmet for utvikling av en helt ny type batteriteknologi, med mindre bruk av litium og nikkel enn dagens batterier, kombinert med manganoksid (LNMO).
Det norske batteriselskapet opplyser samtidig at det har kvalifisert seg som assosiert partner i IPCEI European Battery Innovatio

From left: Lars Christian Bacher, Stina Torjesen (Morrow Batteries), Christian Lyngø Lian and Marcus Martinsson (Stena Recycling)

Morrow and Stena Recycling partner to build circular battery value chains

Morrow Batteries ("Morrow") and Stena Recycling have signed an agreement regarding battery production scrap from the Morrow Cell Factory in Arendal, Norway. The production scrap will be handled at Stena Recycling's new facility for battery recycling in Halmstad, Sweden. The goal is to build a complete circular battery value chain using recycled material in new battery cell production.

"We p

Fra venstre: Lars Christian Bacher, Stina Torjesen (begge fra Morrow Batteries), Christian Lyngø Lian og Marcus Martinsson (begge fra Stena Recycling)

Morrow og Stena Recycling inngår partnerskap for å bygge sirkulære verdikjeder for batterier

Morrow Batteries ASA (Morrow) og Stena Recycling har inngått en avtale om håndtering av produksjonsavfall fra Morrow Cell Factory i Arendal, Norge. Avfallet vil bli håndtert på Stena Recyclings nye anlegg for batterigjenvinning i Halmstad, Sverige. Målet er å bygge en komplett sirkulær batteriverdikjede der resirkulert materiale gjeninnføres i battericelleproduksjonen.
"Vi deler stolt Stena Rec

Christin-Marie Boudgoust joins Morrow as Chief Commercial Officer

Morrow Batteries announces key leadership appointments to drive innovation and growth

Christin-Marie Boudgoust joins Morrow as Chief Commercial Officer Jon Fold von Bülow assumes the Chief Science Officer role

Morrow Batteries is pleased to welcome Christin-Marie Boudgoust as the Chief Commercial Officer (CCO). With extensive experience in international business development and technical sales within the battery industry, Christin-Marie will play a pivotal role in e

Overgang til alternative materialer, som mangan (holdes på bildet), kan bidra til grønnere batterier

Miljøstiftelsen Bellona og Morrow Batteries inngår samarbeid for å utvikle grønne batterier

Batterier er en av de viktigste driverne for det grønne skiftet, men er energikrevende og kan gi store utslipp. Miljøstiftelsen Bellona og Morrow Batteries inngår derfor nå et samarbeid for å utvikle beste praksis for bærekraftige batterimaterialer -og produksjon.
Behovet for batterier ventes å mangedobles når verden skal nå sine klimamål. Batteriproduksjon er imidlertid energikrevende og kan g

Ny milepæl for Morrow Batteries etter fullførte utstyrs- og fabrikktester for første batterifabrikk

Ny milepæl for Morrow Batteries etter fullførte utstyrs- og fabrikktester for første batterifabrikk

Morrow Batteries ASA ("Morrow") har fullført fabrikktester (FAT) for alt produksjonsutstyret som skal installeres i Morrow Cell Factory (MCF), selskapets første av fire fabrikker i Arendal. Installeringen har allerede startet, og Morrow følger planen om produksjonsstart i midten av 2024.
Testene har blitt utført i Sør-Korea siden slutten av mai 2023 for alt utstyret til produksjonslinjen, gjenn

Morrow Batteries announces factory acceptance tests  (FATs) concluded in South Korea, taking the company closer to production start

Morrow Batteries announces factory acceptance tests (FATs) concluded in South Korea, taking the company closer to production start

Morrow Batteries ASA ("Morrow") has concluded the FATs in Asia of all the production equipment for the Morrow Cell Factory (MCF), the company's first factory in Norway. Installation has already started in Arendal, and Morrow is scheduled to start battery production in mid-2024.
The battery manufacturer has conducted FATs since late May, starting with the coating line, followed by the mixing li

Morrow Batteries' Industrial Update November 2023: Press Release and Webcast Invitation

Morrow Batteries' Industrial Update November 2023: Press Release and Webcast Invitation

Reaching significant operational and technological milestones, verified B-sample batteries pushing Morrow close to production start
Morrow Batteries ASA ("Morrow") will be the first manufacturer to commence GWh scale battery production in Norway at its first factory in Arendal in mid-2024. The plan is supported by several important milestones so far this year, including the verification of the

I tillegg til standardiserte UL9540 A og UN38.3, har LFP B-prøvene produsert av Morrow bestått IEC 62660-2, IEC 62619 og nylig den strengere IEC 62660-3-samsvarstesten. Lær mer om IEC-standarder.

Morrow Batteries sender sertifiserte LFP batterier til kunder, og tar enda et viktig skritt mot fullskala produksjon i 2024

Morrow Batteries ASA («Morrow»), et industrielt batteriteknologiselskap, har produsert og sertifisert LFP battericeller som nå sendes til potensielle kunder for videre validering.
"Dette er en betydelig operasjonell og teknologisk milepæl for Morrow Batteries. Våre LFP B-prøver viser utmerkede kvalitets- og sikkerhetsegenskaper. Å fullføre flere, internasjonale kvali

In addition to the standardised UL9540 A and UN38.3, the LFP B-samples made by Morrow have passed IEC 62660-2, IEC 62619 and recently, the more stringent IEC 62660-3 compliance test.

Morrow Batteries sends certified LFP B-sample batteries to customers, taking yet another step towards GWh scale production

Morrow Batteries ASA («Morrow»), the industrial battery technology company, has produced and certified LFP B-sample batteries that are now ready for shipment to potential customers for further validation.
“We are pleased to reach this significant operational and technological milestone. Completing multiple international acceptance tests with strong results brings us to th

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Speeding up the energy transition with cost-effective and sustainable batteries.

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Morrow Batteries